Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wow. How very... dull.

This may sound harsh, but I think the best way to describe William Faulkner's "Tomorrow" is that it is the lovechild of "Judge Judy" and "Beverly Hillbillies". Granted, that is a very immature way of putting it, but give me a break.

To summarize, it is sort of a courtroom drama concerning a young lass whose husband gets her pregnant and scrams. A local farmer feels pity on her and takes her in. She dies soon after childbirth, and he takes care of the child, whom he raises. The kid grows up, gets in trouble, and here we have "Tomorrow". Not very complex, is it?

This is one of the most boring stories I have ever set eyeballs to. Again, I am being harsh I think, but William Faulkner came up with better, I'm sure. I haven't read anything else of his (see also Ernest Hemingway), but I am positive he wrote something a bit more engaging.

"Tomorrow". What's in a name? For this tale, apparently nothing. This is perhaps the most arbitrary title for a story I have ever seen. I can see no reason to call the it thus, though I see no reason not to. Maybe William Faulkner thought "Huh. I guess I'll need to write a better story tomorrow."

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